What is Non-Destructive Examination? (NDE)
Periodic overhauls of critical industrial infrastructure, such as boilers, are vital for continued safety, cost-efficiency, and compliance with geographic and industry guidelines, such as API 653 tanks inspections. Non-Destructive Examinations (also known as NDT for Non-Destructive Testing) meet these needs. In particular, it provides critical advantages for many complex and regulated applications, such as power generation, pulp and paper manufacturing, and chemical production.

Advantages of Non-Destructive Testing:
- Operations: Minimizes disruption of service and maximizes uptime.
- Savings. There is no damage to the material or object being tested, eliminating expensive replacement and installation.
- Safety. Almost all NDT techniques (except radiographic testing) are harmless to those around the equipment.
- Efficiency. An asset can be evaluated relatively quickly, helping to ensure continued on-site safety and performance.
- Accuracy. NDT methods have been proven accurate, reliable, and predictable.
- Stability: Reliability and accurate results
Rely on Our Experience with Non-Destructive Testing
Our highly experienced technicians fully understand NDT methods, the advantages and limitations of each examination technique, and the most appropriate for each context. This knowledge allows us to consistently deliver reliable results, analyze the data, properly assess the root causes, and make sound recommendations for corrective actions.
Call on Our CWI-Certified Technicians for Your NDE Inspections
Why use a CWI-certified technician for your NDE Examinations? Our certified welding inspectors have years of experience and understand the nuances of compliance with welding codes. Following the welding process, we conduct the proper series of tests to check the quality of a weld and make the proper adjustments to the pre-weld preparation and the in-weld procedures as necessary. Using our CWI-certified technicians can dramatically reduce the rate of weld error and guarantee that your project is tailored to all the requirements of relevant welding.
Advantage of Non-Destructive Testing Methods
- Visual Inspection (VT): This is a basic and essential, NDE method. Our expert inspectors perform a condition assessment of structures and detect discontinuities that can be explored further by other NDT methods. This low-cost technique can be executed while the component is still in operation.
- Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT): This method, paired with Time of Flight Diffraction(TOFD), offers a single, sophisticated, automated system that provides the coverage needed for accurate embedded and surface-connected flaw-detection and sizing– regardless of the thickness and orientation, with immediate feedback, along with encoding and data recording for record-keeping and future analysis.
- Ultrasonic Shearwave: UTSW is an advanced ultrasonic method that employs volumetric inspection to properly characterize and size anomalies within weldments and pipe bodies.
- Ultrasonic Thickness Testing (UTT): This process transmits high-frequency sound waves into a material to identify changes in the material’s properties.
- Pulse-Echo: One of the most common Ultrasonic Testing methods to inspect welds on steam-piping, the pulse-echo method measures thickness, detects erosion-corrosion, characterizes and sizes cracks in manifolds.
- Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI): This technique allows for highly controllable sensitivity while detecting microstructure flaws on or just underneath the surface of ferromagnetic materials.
- Liquid Dye Penetration (PT): This low-cost, easy-to-use chemical test visibly shows surface defects and discontinuities on non-magnetic, non-porous material in heat exchanger tubing, tube plates, and welds. PT offers quick and inexpensive inspection of large areas and large volumes of parts/materials.

Our Commitment to Partnership, Quality, and Safety
Our highly skilled team will act in partnership with your organization to execute comprehensive NDE testing, tailored to your specifications. We care about maintaining your plant’s quality and the safety of your personnel, and are dedicated to working in your best interests.