Inventory & Storage
Securing the appropriate materials can be a tricky first step in a project. By maintaining a large inventory of tubes at our shop, we move quickly on ASME code pressure parts, boiler tube bending, and replacement tube installation.
Our expansive storage facilities are what separate us from other boiler manufacturers. At our turnkey fabrication shop, you can:
Save Money
You can take advantage of favorable pricing and stock up on bulk orders of tubing for future needs.
Save Time
With multiple brands and sizes of boiler tubes at our fingertips, we can immediately perform emergency bends and ship out the finished products. Our response time guarantees that you can get their boilers back up and running without delay.
Reduce Outages
While most suppliers only build and install new products, Helfrich Brothers works with clients on superheater rebuilds and storage. In conjunction with installing new superheaters, we can remove your existing superheater and ship it to our facility. Once there, we will rebuild the pendants and store them until your new superheater requires maintenance.
Maximize Budgets
We give you the ability to maximize your annual budget by purchasing products far in advance for future installation. We then store the products and schedule the work according to your timeline. Many suppliers shy away from long-term storage projects, but we welcome them.
Take a look at a sample of our current inventory below: